Title: Sometimes Category: Harry Potter Genre: Romance/Angst Pairings: Hermione/Blaise, Draco/Ginny, Fred/Oc and several other minor pairings. Rating: PG
Title: Sometimes Fandom: Harry Potter Pairings: Hermione Granger/Blaise Zabini and various others. Rating: T/ PG-13 Summery: After the War with Voldemort , Hermione Granger finds herself fighting another war, one that is more personal and may break her more then Voldemort ever could.
Title: Sometimes Category: Harry Potter Characters/Pairings: Blaise/Hermione, Ratings: T (Language) Summery: The Final chapter in Sometimes, Blaise finally gets Hermione at the Villa and looking at the various rooms when his Aunt Flora arrives and all goes to hell.
Hermione could remember the first time she had considered a relationship with Blaise. It was after a very difficult day of strategy planning and the like (such as keeping Draco and Ron from killing each other in front of their wife and sister respectively) when she had retired to the local pub for a small relaxing drink before apperating home to
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SometimesOk, my next chapter is getting Hermione to Italy and then have her and Blaise sorta get used to it. Perhaps a semi-smutty scene. *laughs* Doubt that will happen, but you never know
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